Tuesday, May 19, 2009

jury duty....game over

it's official like a referee with a whistle  my jury duty is finally over and i'm ready to get my life back to normal..no more cross examinations, objections, deliberations, lawyers, defendants,evidence...but i still have to go back to the court house cause i kinda work there...but now i can get back to the things i like to do like go to dodger games
i had a great time at the ol chavez ravine.. nothing beats a night with my family eating dodger dogs, laughing and watching my brothers grow up..i know it sounds a little cheesy but i don't want to see them grow up because they're the most perfect thing in my life and i love them just the way they are...
-stay tuned for more on The Rockerfeller Report-

1 comment:

  1. Yay for jury duty finally being over!!! That was def a long one! How fun, baseball game w the fam. But I must say I would much rather prefer going to an Angels game... bc well they are actually good... ;P
